What does health mean to you?

What is your definition of health?  Do you consider yourself healthy? It is my job to help people reach their health and fitness goals.  Usually they come to me because they want to lose weight and get stronger.  But is this all health is?  If we work out most days of the week and are slim, … Continue reading What does health mean to you?

Why do you workout?

Why do you work out? We all start working out for a variety of reasons; to lose weight, because we "should", to look good for a vacation, girl, boy or whatever.  We are also promised that we will feel better, but few stick with their new workout regime long enough to truly experience how much … Continue reading Why do you workout?

Don’t make a Weight-loss New Year’s Resolution for 2014!

You are unlikely to reach your goal... Does that seem a little strange coming from a personal trainer?  Only 8% achieve their New Year Resolutions according to Forbes Let me explain; All across North America people are resolving to start working out, join a gym, eat healthier, lose weight etc.  Gym's sell more memberships this month … Continue reading Don’t make a Weight-loss New Year’s Resolution for 2014!

Losing weight the Mediterranean way

The Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes fruit, vegetables, fish, olive oil and nuts has been associated with a decreased chance of overall illness and an increased sense of well-being. Though these foods are consistent with many other meal plan recommendations it is the proportions of each that is a little different with the Mediterranean diet. Most … Continue reading Losing weight the Mediterranean way

Manage your life with exercise

I recently came across this on Twitter: “Manage your brain with exercise” and it made so much sense to me.  I am just going to make one small adjustment; “Manage your life with exercise”. We spend so much time and energy managing our finances, kids, families, stress, work, hectic schedules and the list goes on … Continue reading Manage your life with exercise

Master your Metabolism

Check out this excellent article on metabolism written by my colleague Dr. Andra Campitelli, ND Are you one of those people who just looks at a slice of bread and gains 5 lbs?  Or, are you the much envied individual who sits down to a 6-course meal three times and day and STILL can’t quite … Continue reading Master your Metabolism

Fitness… Family… Can you have both?

Do you ever wish you had more hours in the day?  I certainly do!  What would you do with the extra time if you had it? When I speak with my clients about the greatest obstacle when adopting a regular exercise routine they always talk about lack of time.  We are busier than ever with … Continue reading Fitness… Family… Can you have both?

Have you ever considered doing a detox?

Have you ever done a detox?  I generally do one every 6 months depending.  Sometimes I let it stretch to 12 months.  It is the first thing I have my new clients do, especially if one of their goals is weight loss.  My experience with them has always been good.  The first one I did, … Continue reading Have you ever considered doing a detox?

Could stress and lack of sleep be affecting your weight?

You have heard it before; hormones affect our weight.  When we are under stress or are suffering from lack of sleep our hormones are affected in a way that causes us to gain weight.  Like lack of sleep, stress wasn't bad enough! Now you're gaining weight because of it!!! Thankfully there are solutions that can … Continue reading Could stress and lack of sleep be affecting your weight?

How long should your workout be?

How long are your workouts? According to research only 10% of you exercise regularly. Another 15% exercise occasionally.  And the rest.... well, they don't do much of anything. You know who you are 😉 During the decade and a half that I have been a personal trainer I have heard many different reasons for why … Continue reading How long should your workout be?